Portrait View is an original signature collection in the Michael Amini Series of fine furniture. There is a timeless quality to the contemporary styling. The clean lines, subtle curves and minimalist hardware make a very strong statement of modernity and flair that makes your home a secure, warm and comfortable refuge from the outside world. There is an uncluttered efficiency and a positive feeling of having made a great choice when all the pieces harmonize in a bedroom or dining set. The completeness of Portrait Vue is born out of an uncompromizing approach to furniture design that has become the hallmark of Michael Amini. The Portrait Vue Collection has been created with the time-honored approach to making fine furniture that's made AICO a world leader in furniture design and manufacturing. Crafted from the best hardwoods and hand-selected veneers, this is heirloom quality furniture that will last for generations. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, but the unmistakeable beauty of Portrait Vue is very easy on the eye.